18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Gen.2:18
23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Gen 2:23-24 (KJV)
This year my wife and I will celebrate our 23rd year of marriage, January 28th. It’s seems like such a long time ago yet, it’s has flown by so fast. It’s amazing that this woman would keep me around for half of her life. As I begin to reminisce on the special, hard, fun and unexpected surprises (good & bad) of our lives – it’s hard not to recall the family and friends who has been part of those precious years. For those that have had a hand in shaping our past I am truly grateful, regardless of the experience.
We’ve been through so many things together, at times it is a gentle squeezing of the hand, other times it’s the tears of prayer and intercession that has kept us together while traveling this road of life. Our wedding invitation has stated that we have ‘grown in love and in understanding’, twenty-three years later we are still growing in love and understanding.
My wife has been by my side in sickness, in health, through poverty and prosperity – We’ve agreed and disagreed, we’ve suffered and had pleasure. I love her, even when I don’t like her. The funny thing is as that; although I know her, I’m still discovering things about her. She surprises me with her wit and her adaptation, even by the way she loves me. Her compassion for people, family and those around me astounds me – yet she doesn’t let me get away with much, she keeps me on my toes. She makes me laugh, and I love to hear her laughter fill the air. I appreciate the way Veronica loves ‘the kids’, whether our two bundles of joy, or those we adopt from time to time, her love is unmatchable. Although she is not the best housekeeper, she is the best-est ‘home-keeper’. I have learned her graces toward people by her perpetual example. Her words of encouragement are not only uplifting but exciting to hear. Don’t get me wrong, on ‘our’ off days there are most negatives than positive things to say, but I’m no way near an angel either. Simply said, Veronica is my balance.
Why am I writing about this woman? She is part of me, flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone. It’s hard to continue my day without acknowledging part of my life that make me ‘tick’ and allows me to be the best I can be. She is everything in my life that is good. We’ve had to fight for our marriage, pray for our marriage & endure our marriage – but it’s worth it!

In this world and time, where marriage and commitment has gone by the way of ‘personal preference’, I want it to encourage those in a committed relationship to fight for their love to continue, grow and be strengthened.

Be Encouraged